Post History

Rabu, 18 November 2015

Return Back to Blog!

I just returned back to this blog after a year of nonetheless. My last post could be either at the end of my tenth grade or the very beginning of eleventh grade. A year full of none, I had developed several progress including the very first original project, Meiseki: Lucid Dream or as I decided to be D1.5: Lucid Dream. Both title have chance of same on everything except on D1.5 lined to one ending as a part of another story, Dimension, and had it prequel. While D1.5 nothing but story, Meiseki itself also has its part, which is sadly not developed as game due to slow progress. In this post sadly, I will post several stories while not logging inside this blog over a year.

Touhou Era of Mine

 The start of eleventh grade, I recognized the red shrine maiden that disturbs me for over two years (from 2012 to 2014). It's a popular girl named Reimu from Touhou Project.
Started at the very first try game... What is it again... I'm not sure if it's Eiyashou/Imperishable Night, I guess it was Hisouten/Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. I have the video of me trying to fight with Reimu and Marisa for the first time:

First Video on YouTube, Reimu Campaign

Second Video on YouTube, Marisa Campaign

After greeted by a large community of Touhou in my area, I continued to learn Touhou more and found out Hisoutensoku. Its COM in Lunatic found to be easy when I tried.

Third Video on YouTube, which gave me the Most Views

I unable to play Shinkiro/Hopeless Masquarde at the moment, so I decided to play Danmaku. Eiyashou is the only one I tried to upload on YouTube but failed. Other factor is that the screen video lags a lot in Touhou, it slowed down the game. However, I managed to finish several series including:
  1. Koumakyou/Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (Lunatic and EX)
  2. Youyoumu/Perfect Cherry Blossom (Normal). This is the hardest series I've played since I unable finished the EX.
  3. Kaeidzuka/Phantasmagoria of Flower View. Several Characters unlocked including Yuuka Kazami, but not yet EX.
  4. Fujinroku/Mountain of Faith (Lunatic and Ultra EX). The only game I able to finished EX with Ultra for unknown reason.
  5. Chireiden/Subterranean Aninism (Normal and EX). The most fun gameplay I ever did although I failed the Ultra EX in Final Spellcard.
  6. Seirensen/Unidentified Fantastic Object (Normal and EX). Second most fun gameplay, Hijiri is just something.
  7. Danmaku Amanojaku/Impossible Spellcard (Clear). I don't know if there's Reverse one, but I managed to finsih thanks to items. Note spoiler: Remilia has the most difficult spellcard.
And unfinished with reasons:
  1.  Shinreibyou/Ten Desire. The songs too good, and Miko too catchy with its song, too bad to kill him/her. I just can't.
  2. Kishinjo/Double Dealing Character. I don't understand and why this game happening too fast in my opinion.
  3. Kanjuden/Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. Probably second hardest series, I can't even pass the third stage thanks to second stage spam.
After played several of them, I began to bored since I have none comment to support my video of Touhou more.


Meiseki: Naomi

This is another story of the main character, Midotsuki, dealing with parallel universe. Naomi Kudravka (Not Noumi Kudryavka, coincidence of mine after found out Little Buster) is a close friend of Midotsuki and changed overnight. It has the same concept as Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya with a bit complex matter including non existent information. I don't think I'll make it if I don't finish the original series first.

Orange Series

Or Natsumi Orange series at the beginning, but somehow decided with new character like Monogatari Series for another coincidence reasons again. Wow... I can't believe that everything I found on my head connected with one that already exists. I don't even watch Monogatari Series. Starts with main character, Milky Orange, a teenage boy transfered to Japan with another member of his huge family and met up with his super active cousin, Natsumi. By term cousin, Natsumi's a year younger.

Another Addition Series made after departed from Natsumi.

I guess that's for now... I don't know what should I update with.

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