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Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

School Project: Touchscreen Sensor

My IT teacher gives me a task to make a sensor program. The censor can be water sensor, wind sensor, or even touch sensor. I decided to pick touch sensor. Though, I need to find the blueprint before I have to team up with my classmaters, otherwise they won't understand their task and they'll only rely on me and their score on me.

What is touchscreen sensor?
Everyone who follows the globalization knows what is touchscreen sensor. Because, this sensor is popular and currently used for phones, tablets, personal computer (PC), or even television (TV). There are two types of touchscreen sensor, that is Resistive Touchscreen and Capacitive Touchscreen.

Resistive Touchscreen

Resistive Touchscreen Circuit (source:

->This sensor is often use in our phones and tablets, such as Apple product and Android product.
-> It can be operated with bare fingers or even with gloved fingers 
->More cheaper than Capacitive Touchscreen
->Has excellent durability and resolution

Capacitive Touchscreen

Simple capacitive touch sensor circuit diagram (source:
->Works by sensing conductivity
-> Cannot be used by standard stylus like Resistive Touchscreen. Instead, it uses special capacitive styli.
-> Has a very expensive price
-> Usually used to measure humidity, fluid level, accleration, proximity, and position or displacement

My plan for my school project is Resisitve Touchscreen Sensor, which is more cheaper and good durability. Although there's still many problems that I have to solve it. Including:
-Blueprint for touchscreen as same as tablets
-Cost to buy the items and extra part if failed in the middle of project
-Program inside the sensor
The program inside will be more like Sword Art Online User Interface Menu.

Please the support for it!

What is Sword Art Online?
What is User Interface?
Source: If I'm not mistaken, it should be like from here

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